Hello all, and welcome to my excessively alliteratively-titled blog, The Crafty Chubby Chronicles of Chow Curtailment. Which pretty much means, I'm a crafty fat chick on a life journey/blogging spree toward cutting back on food. And by cutting back on food, I don't just mean a diet. I mean, actually, that I'm pursuing a gastric sleeve procedure.
My name is Laura, I am a 27 year old woman living in Baltimore, Maryland. I live with my boyfriend Dave, who is the vice president in a catering-staffing company, and also is a rock star (in my eyes especially, but also he was in a 'rap band' and is working on a lot of musical projects as well). I also have two lovely cats, Disa and Luna, who I'm sure I will post pictures of eventually. As for myself, I work as an office assistant in municipal government. The pay is mediocre at best, the job itself is usually soul-sucking and unrewarding, but the benefits are fab, so this is what enabled me to even think about this whole thing. It gives me a lot of downtime to dootz around with crafts or what have you, and the coworkers that I deal with on a day-to-day basis are swell. They have also heard a ton about all this stuff - I am kind of an open book, truly. My "TMI" sensors are incredibly faulty.
I have very few friends where I live, though the friends of Dave's that I'm also friends with are cool and fun for the most part. 95% of my friends are in other states. So I have taken to talking about my surgery a lot with my friends in other states via text/facebook, participating in the forums on
gastricsleeve.com, and talking to Dave and my coworkers. My parents and family are sort of supportive, but skeptical and cynical about it for the most part, which is disheartening.
The reason I decided I wanted to do a blog about myself, and this, was that I wanted to have a written record of all the things I am currently going through in regards to the gastric sleeve surgery, as well as be another resource for others considering the procedure who might be in a similar place that I am. Like I said, I'm 27 years old, I'm 5'6", and I weigh 275 lbs. My BMI is a 44. I have no "co-morbidities" - i.e., I have no diseases that are obesity related that could be deadly (high blood pressure, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, etc). I do have obesity-related problems (or problems exacerbated by obesity), though - depression, asthma, and early lymphedema in my right foot/leg. I have been actively doing diet and exercise plans/'routines' for the past 7 years, with losses and gains - and I've had enough of the weight 'coaster. I decided that I was interested in the sleeve operation because I am starting to experience health problems that will only get worse over time, and I want to be proactive and turn my life around now, so I can make the most out of living a healthy life.
I know that's a long introduction, but this is a journey, a chronicle - and who said there was anything ever short about either of those?