Tuesday, February 18, 2014


1. I'm currently addicted to animal crackers and Dove (milk) chocolates. I was all up on guacamole and tortilla chips for about a week or so, but the availability of both is so-so. Plus, the guac can be a bit too acidic for my stomach at times.

2. I have a broken finger. (I broke it while trying to give Dave a literal piggy-back ride. Doesn't work now that he's a good 70 lbs heavier than I am.)

3. I just moved. The stress of moving - and costs related to such - have been debilitating. I haven't really been interested in any kinds of food in particular, I've been getting a lot of headaches, have been incredibly on edge, and having my broken finger, I wasn't really able to do any stress relief (generally, crafts) or do as much packing and moving stuff around as I would be able to had I been fully-abled.

4. I've been trying to make some new friends via meetups. There's one group of ladies that I'm starting to bond with, and have had some great times with so far. Unfortunately, between my incredible social anxiety and my stomach, inevitably I get terrified shortly before anything happens and end up unintentionally making myself sick. In any case... one of the girls just recently underwent bariatric surgery herself, coincidentally! I'm going to be seeing her on Sunday for the first time since the surgery, so I'm probably going to bring some "party favor" protein powders with me, lol. It's not cheap...and it's always good to sample new things.