#1 My husband is scared he may lose me do to complications
#2 It is not just a huge change for me physically but also one that may take my husband a while to get use to, he was use to me being heavy for a long time.
#3 He may be mourning food in a different way because we are no longer going out to eat together and that was something we would do to have alone time from the kids. (farther out this won't be a problem) he is probably missing this
#4 He is probably intimadated by the looks I am getting from other men not realizing that it really pisses me off because a month a go they would not even glance my way
#5 He will need reassurance in our relationship just as much as I will (I do question what if he is not attracted to me when I am thin, or have loose skin I will want reassurance that he is happy with me for who I am)
Some very strong and very true words - truly an eye opener indeed. I will have to start being more mindful of Dave's part in this all, and pray that his patience and support will hold out.
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