Yesterday I was supposed to call the nurse I met with last week for my one week check-up, but I didn't because I am concerned/worried/anxious about what I should do. We had discussed possibly my going back to work full-time starting Monday, but she said it might be better to just go back half days next week and then full-time the week after that.
I was ready and willing to go back to work early because being at home sucked at that point (cooped up, unproductive, feeling blah and having some discord with Dave). Plus I need the money. But the home situation has improved, I have greater mobility, and am feeling more at ease with the situation... So now I don't want to go back to work, of course. This is the longest I will ever be away from work (short of being unemployed) for the rest of my life, until I can retire, if that's even possible. So it makes sense that I would kind of want to milk it....
I'm going to call the nurse today and say that I want to go back half days starting next Wednesday, and then full days the Monday after that... so, sort of a compromise.
Also, today is officially my two week mark! I'm starting on purees and trying to look up new and interesting food all the time. So far a lot of the things I've had have been misses, but that's no reason to not keep trying. They are just misses on flavor/"mouth feel", not on bothering my stomach. I made a gingerbread smoothie yesterday, with a few substitutions needed, but it turned out pretty nicely... Just insanely thick after being refrigerated. The flaxseed meal in it makes it a little "chewy". It still taste pretty phenomenal, don't get me wrong! And not beany at all (as I was very concerned about). But, still - it's a *lot* to get through. On the other hand, it helps me use my vanilla protein powder - which I keep not liking. I don't know what it is... I just am not a fan. Chocolate of any kind? Heck yeah. Vanilla? ehhh....not so much. And I can only really afford to get on this merry-go-round a few times, y'know?
I guess I should mention some of the other "fails" I've had. Mixing unflavored protein powder (specifically Isopure) with miso soup. That was FOUL. Mixing orange Powerade Zero with vanilla protein powder - ended up extreeeemely frothy and not so hot. After I transferred it to my sippy cup, it lost a lot of the bubbles thankfully. The frothiness really bothered my stomach. Which makes you think that protein powder manufacturers might want to make that a concern of theirs...but, whatever. I've also made the aforementioned amazing avocado egg salad, and pureed it within an inch of its life. That didn't sit too well - in both taste and digestion. It might be the eggs, which my digestive system was having issues with prior, but I am putting a hold on it for the meantime. I'm hoping to try some plain mashed up avocados in the near future, since I luff them.
For other challenges in the realm of food - being around people eating. It hasn't been too bad around Dave, especially when I'm making him dinner. A lot of the times I'm making him things that I wouldn't really want to partake in myself. But sometimes it just looks so damn delicious. Last night we had his friends over for some gaming and I made steak fajitas.... Good lord that flank steak looked divine. It was remedied by the peppers and onions and misc. other spicy stuff that I do not go for. (My heritage is firmly grounded in non-spicy meats and potatoes!) But I've made him a lot of other things that taste amazing (to him) and not been bothered by it. It's just once in awhile. But I'm enjoying trying all these new things, even if my wallet isn't. (Thankfully I'm already stocked up on pantry non-staples like flaxseed meal, liquid stevia, protein powders, almond flour, etc.)
Last but not least, my actual beef - not the flank steak. I went to GNC earlier this week to pick up some Isopure Zero Carb waters, since they're great for supplementing my protein intake. I kind of hate going into any of these stores (well, the only ones available to me being GNCs and Vitamin Shoppes, though the second to a lesser extent since there are just fewer locations). The reason is that they sell you HARD on anything and everything. We, Dave and I, ended up having the manager/only employee in the store talk to us for half an hour about not only supplements and all this nonsense but also about genetically-modified foods, the importance of being outdoorsy and playing sports, regular microwaves are bad, trace minerals are important and animals like dogs know this because they end up eating dirt when they're digging through it (and how his friend switched from being an internal doctor to a vet because of this), and kind of his whole personal and extended family life story. Seriously?! Seriously. I try to go into these stores when there are other people there so I can avoid this kind of pressure that I loathe. There were 2 other people when I went in, and then they finished up before me, sadly. I am also too nice to just say like "look, go away, I'm in pain and I have errands to do and you're taking up valuable time that I could be spending at home resting." Not to mention Dave and I are obviously not fitness fanatics or any of the people who drop tons of money at these places. I just hate, hate, HATE pressure sales. I know what I'm looking for, I do a lot of homework online to find what best fits my needs (dietarily and monetarily), and I don't need your talking to me about how you used to play basketball and got injured and then tried again a few years later and got injured again and now you shoot pool. Really? Really. The only interesting part of the whole conversation was the part about Connecticut passing a bill (or law?) that requires manufacturers to label their food as being genetically modified, so that people will have a clear choice. (Granted, they will most likely do what I do most of the time - pick whatever's cheapest. But I do compare when there are options for organic and etc - I don't just breeze by them. I shop at stores that have the option, not just dirt cheap stores that all of their products are suspect.) But otherwise, WTF. All GNC stores have been like this. Vitamin Shoppe has not been - they are actually respectful and will only go into lengthy discussions with you if you seek it out. I may have to start switching over to buying more stuff from them. Unfortunately, there aren't as many locations as there are GNC, and I get discounts at GNC, sooo.... Yeah. Hey, bottom line. I have to decide if I prefer to get harassed by salesmen and get lower prices or go to another store that has respectful employees.
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