Friday, June 7, 2013

Putzing along

So, I'm trying to organize my thoughts and helping my OCD along with lists. This is what I need to buy, this is what I need to do on this date and this date, no approximations, just give me the date-markers and give me some clear cut yes this, no that. I understand that "no that" is flexible and it's "if you can tolerate it", but I want to know the safest route possible!!

So, for example. Avoid starchy vegetables. 'Kaay... *looks up some extra info for herself...*

But see, that helps. I just want things as crystal clear as I can get. "What do I do in this scenario?" I guess I need to get a grip on the fact that they won't be able to hold my hand the whole way, and I need to start just making judgement calls. Just scaaaaaaaaaaaared. Already terrified about what I heard about dumping syndrome just now. TERROR.

I have a pre-surgery class scheduled for next Tuesday, and I have my pre-surgery physical with my primary care doctor this afternoon. I doubt anything will go amiss later, except I'm hoping she can take a look at my finger that I kinda killed last night. (I tried to catch a falling vase, not realizing it was already breaking on the way down, so it sliced my finger but good and it hurts to bend the finger now, soooo.... yeah. Kinda sad.) Lots of bloodwork and random tests, and I'm not exactly sure what's beyond that, so we'll see. I haven't weighed myself for about a week, so I'm not sure how I'm doing with that. I know I had gone up a little because of bingeing on M&Ms. But since I've been very good all week, maybe I'll be better now. Aaand I've been constipated, so that might be an additional weight concern, but yeah. Such excitement! Hardly.

Also, shopping for a recliner is the pits. Just sayin. And it's going to be a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch to haul upstairs.

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